Faith, Fun, Fashion, & Family

Faith, Fun, Fashion, & Family

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Frankie Fears

My youngest daughter randomly and suddenly became afraid of Frankenstein. I tried to convince her that he is not scary. He is misunderstood and lost his Creator. He was created to love his Master, but his master disappeared and he is forever left searching for him. He looks strange cause he was made by man, like a robot. But he loves like us. He's cuddly... Right? So... I made her a Frankie doll to try to take awAy her fears. 


Sunday, March 22, 2015

Making Memories...

My new White Marker!

Roots to Grow

Decided to start a prayer journal during this interesting & adventurous period of my life. Filling it with prayers, thoughts & drawings. This is one page...
Sometimes in life God takes you somewhere you did not plan. Instead of praying for a wAy out, sometimes He wants you tootsie route. Don't complain about the rain, but sing about the spring!
Look for blessings that surround you now & today. Find a reason for your current circumstance, trust Him & take root. It's the only wY you will grow. 

Slow Snail with Fast Faith

Original project done with kindergarten and 1st graders...

Be Blessed...

Sometimes I have to remind myself... The simple fact I have running water is taken for granted. I am truly blessed... Counting the ways.