Thursday, January 10, 2013

Mermaid Chamber

Maisy, my oldest daughter of 5 years, was jealous of her baby sister's Japan Girl room...
see here
So, we decided is was time to change her eclectic  hodge-podge bedroom to be more relaxing.
She loves ocean stuff and has wanted to be an "underwater veterinarian" since she was able to say the words. She loves Galveston and saltwater life. 
So, our family trip to G-town, Texas came in handy for our redecorating plans.

We bought this pink flamingo paint by number right away. We kept eyeballing it ever time we went to
Uniques and Antiques. But, we had no real reason to purchase it. When we decided on the theme, It was the first thing on my mind. I guess you could call it our piece of inspiration. I loved the colors and the vintage factor of it. 

The felt mermaid doll I made for Maisy for her 2nd birthday party. It was underwater themed.
She won the fish at a carnival, I made the pillow with pocket and ruffle, and my mother gave us the quilt. 

My mom had this quilt on their dining room table of all places. I saw the colors and the little pinches of sea life and asked for it. Love you Mommy!

This cute photo was made by Debby Ditta photography in the event of Maisy's underwater Birthday party years ago. Maisy started a collection of shells in a jar from our yearly trips to Galveston.

Capzi chimes are my FAVORITE sound in the universe!
I love the gentle tings of them gracefully chiming together at the lightest breeze...
I bought these for me years ago before Maisy was born for that very fact. But just like the quilt above, mommy's must give to their young to show love. So, there you go. 
The lava lamp was a Christmas present and the flamingo ceramic lamp was bought from a Thrift Store in Fredricksburg, Texas this summer for $2.99. 

Uniques and Antiques find!
See them of Facebook...

Mermaid rug bought in Galveston on the Strand.

Maisy's fishtank and pink flamingo rubber ducky.

We got these glass ocean bobbers from Hobby Lobby. Gotta love my HL!

Maisy got this frame, ship in a bottle, and vase from our Galveston trips. 
Blue bottles and ship collected over time from who knows where.

Memories displayed of water fun...

Pink yardstick with clothes pins to display photos... 

Maisy's rotating lamp of fish from Christmas. 
Every girl needs a princess Bible and fashion fake reading glasses for it.

We found this print of a swimsuit model at Hobby Lobby. 

Maisy's closet before...

During the painting process...
I wanted it to look like an old weathered beach sign that had been cut in half and fashioned into new doors...
I think it worked!



and during... are we done yet?!

and done!

Maisy's vintage photograph of swimsuit models.
Ships in a bottle and Pink Flamingo shell light.

I could not find the right pillow for her bed...
they were either too expensive, not the right color, or too mature looking.

so... I MADE ONE! Yeah for craftiness!

Back pocket for remote control.

Front able to pull pillow out to wash. Just call me hand Mandy!

Bought these cards from Galveston of shells, fish, and beach birds.
Bought these mattes from Walmart.

Painted the mattes and added a braid of string and hung them.
Do you love it?
Maisy does... stamp this project as a success.

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