Thursday, January 10, 2013

DIY Accessory Lamp

Ok, this whole idea was inspired by a wire trashcan... go figure.
I bought one originally for my daughter to use for $1 at the Dollar General. 
As I held it in the car on the way home from the store, my brain started going crazy with ideas.... 
I have these felt flower broaches and hairpins that I make like crazy to match almost every outfit I have. 
The first one I made and wore I felt crazy, now without one I feel nakedly not myself!
So, they are beginning to avalanche off of this torso I keep them on by my vanity.
So, this metal mesh trashcan gave me a better idea.

The holes were perfect for pinning my felt flowers to. But how dorky would that be to pin them to a trashcan?
So, What if I turned it in to a lamp... creative light bulbs now going off literally and figuratively! 
So, I went to get a plan lampshade (just for the hardware at top), a lamp base, spray paint, and a light bulb. 
The best place I thought would be Goodwill!
But, they did not have what I needed (hopefully you may have better luck),
so i went back to the Dollar $tore.
All necassary supplies were on hand now, so...

I ripped the paper off lampshade and hot glued the metal ring for the bulb into place.

I considered using it as a fashion forward hat... but soon changed my mind when my 15 month old laughed from her high chair...

Next, I took it outdoors to spray paint white. 

After paint was dry, I  attached it to the lamp stand and screwed in light bulb.
I thought it looked pretty cool left just like this.
But, it was not what I intended it for. 

I put all my felt flowers on the mesh and hung my earrings from the bottom!
It takes up a lot less space and gives me light to do my makeup...

I am absolutely in love with this idea!
Hope you enjoyed my DIY Accessory Lamp...

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