Saturday, March 16, 2013

Balloons of Freedom by Tabitha Seaton

1 Peter 5:7
"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."

Little girl stands in a patch of dirt, 
no longer imprisoned by her hurt. 
She labeled all she can feel
and is trusting Him to heal.
She put them in capsules that fly
releasing every single lie
that made her heart sink.
With one final blink
she mumbles a prayer
as her sins float to the air...
"Dear Lord, I give you all these things.
Now, will you give my heart wings?
I trust you now as I let go.
Please, take my faith and make it grow!".

Art and Poem by Tabitha Seaton

This idea was inspired by
Victoria Osteen's words...
I saw her on TV talking about how she takes all the bad things she feels, all her anxieties and imagines them like balloons. Then she lets them all go.


If this inspired you,,, 
go to see more spiritual artwork i created, 
got to my blog homepage and visit 
My Art and My Poetry pages..

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