Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Look for the Beauty in your season

My Quote for the Day
If you are wise and strong; 
encourage others, inspire others, grow others. 
I knew bullies as strong and powerful people when I was little. They were the popular kids that everyone was mysteriously attracted to. There was something about them that they were born with that made them leaders. 
But they were not wise. People that followed them were even more foolish. 
I knew people that were weak and powerless. Nobody wanted to sit with them or be seen with them. but they were wise.
Imagine a wise and strong person. 
Imagine what they could do.  

Beautiful day in Mineola for a walk!!! I like to look for pretty things while I’m walking. It was harder today than a month ago when the colors were everywhere! Seasons don’t last long. Soak them up while you are in them. Find the beauty there before it’s gone. Some seasons are harder to find beauty in, but it’s always there. 

Challenge: Go for a walk today. Enjoy the season. Look for beautiful stuff. Take a photo and share it with me. 😄


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